Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What helped to shape my personality...

Writing comes very hard to me. I analyze each and every word I write and when written, I continue to think of "what ifs...". I also like to have special music to compliment my written word or photos applied. So, the task of choosing music helps me to settle down (about my writing)...a little.

I have always loved music...especially the Motown Sound. Jazz and Blues are a favorite too. Heck fire...I love ALL KINDS of music. Anyway, I was listening on Playlist the other night and trying to find just the right song for a blog when I came across a "Playlist" that to me was so-o-o-o great. Some of the songs I hadn't heard in over 20 years. One song was by Carlos Santana.

This got me to thinking about the many bloggers that spend extra time to make their viewers feel "Welcome". I always enjoy the "Thoughtful Thursdays", "Fashion Fridays" and other ones. So that's why I created my "Tuesday Tunes". I want to celebrate my past with you through the music that helped shape my personality.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


"Fashion Friday"..."Thoughtful Thursday"... "Wacky Wednesday"..."Terrific Tuesday"... "Moody Monday"...Many bloggers have chosen to have these special times on their blogs.

I love music. So "blog in" on Tuesdays for a music ride of "Tuesday Tunes".

Today's Feature
Carlos Santana

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Peace in the midst of turmoil...

Close your eyes...
Be still...
Forget for just a moment.
Embrace joy!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Glenn & Melanie

Garrett & Hannah

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Do you have a strong foundation?

To begin I will tell you about my home foundation and the threat of concern I've encountered over the last few days due to the recent rains (flooding more like it). Our home is situated slightly lower than our neighbors; thus, extra water runs over for a visit. Our sidewalk in the front was full of water as was the ground in our front yard. Each step was a squish-squish. Remember how we loved to have mud mixed with water squish through our toes when we were young. That's it. Not so loving it now. With no place for the water to drain, it found its way through the cracks and into our home in our sunken den area.

Sidewalk area w/sandbags &
homemade tent to catch roof rain.

So after pulling up a portion of the carpet, we've spent a number of hours vacuuming water with the wet-dry vac and praying for sunshine. After several talks with a contractor and architect we're ready for a dry spell so we can make the necessary accomodations to our home to prevent future water issues. God blessed with two days of sunshine so far. The threat of rain tomorrow will be a test as we placed a compound against the leakage areas (recommended by architect).

Compound applied to areas

On Tuesday night after many of my rounds of vacuuming water up, I went to bed drained and emotionally overwhelmed. I could not cope any more. I met God somehow in all of this turmoil as I lay energy spent. He, through His infinite wisdom and omnipotent presence, brought me back to His foundation. I slept so well that I almost forgot our water issue.

I am so honored to have the christian values that God has allowed me to cherish through my salvation. He is The Promise of my life and most importantly...
the Foundation of my life.