Thursday, July 30, 2020

Happy Anniversary

Monday, July 27, 2020

Across the back of F2's yard we worked a corner to corner flower bed  Each corner has canna lilies, irises, and society garlic. Along the fence line are daylilies and moss rose. The rooster and two hens are so cute. They belonged to my dad. 

Saturday, July 25, 2020

My hubby grew up in this house with his dad, mom & sister. He lived here until his move to Camelot Apts right before we got married.

Many Saturdays after we married, we would take & laundry our clothes at his parent's house & spend time with them. Lots of memories at this house come to mind. Here are a few...

...Sunday lunches with family...his mom was a great cook
...Sundays after lunch, men watching tv in den & ladies talking in living room
...Tater 'n Eggs Thanksgiving lunch cooked by his of our favorites even now
...sawhorses - a wide board over two sawhorses for whatever task we had to do
...peas & butterbean shelling in back yard cleaning first de-heading of shrimp...though I would NEVER eat another
I could go on and on about the many ways of living life here at this house.

With hubby's mom passed & his dad in the nursing home (going on three years), it is time. 

Today.....the house is listed "For Sale".

Friday, July 24, 2020

Several days working one flower bed @ a time was all I could stand with this scorching heat...and that was getting up at 6AM. A few days hubby helped, and I was so thankful. 

Today promised a 75 degree morning @ 6AM.....and I was ready. Overcast with a few breezes.

After 4 hours, I finished and shouted, "Hooray!!!"

When overwhelmed & stressed and unable to think,
I go out & garden. It's cheaper than a shrink.
Author Unknown

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Thursday, July 16, 2020

We enjoy keeping the back door open so we can look out the storm door into the back yard and watch the activity of the birds and squirrels. Hummingbirds zoom chasing each other, and then stop for a drink at their feeder. Other birds enjoy resting on their feeder rim as they eat. A few pesky squirrels often make their way to the feeder.....swinging away and throwing some of the feed to the ground. 

Nature and animals are something that we enjoy observing. Our favorite the mountains. 

Tonight as Glenn looked out the door he noticed how strange the back yard looked. There was an orange cast upon the shed, and the yard just looked "weird". 

After going out to explore, we observed to the front of the house sky as sharp as a baby blue color with a few clouds. Our backyard sky had this rather large roundish cloud with an orange tint. It was so amazing! 
Throw open the shed door and get to work.
Thank you Lord that there is some air stirring.

I must have lost my mind...20 bales?

With the temperature rising & no breezes now,
I work slow & steady to finish the front flower beds.

To forget how to dig the earth and
to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.
~Mahatma Gandhi~

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Dad loved being in the yard. He brought me some four o'clock seeds when he visited one time. We planted them, and I love seeing them every year. Sweet memories with every bloom.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

41 bags frozen
supper food for us
supper food for neighbor

This picture brings so many memories to mind
of dad and his passion for Garrett
to experience any kind of adventure on his land.
I am so grateful for my son's memories with his Pa.

Happy Heavenly Birthday Dad!

Thursday, July 2, 2020

...a quick trip around 11:40AM with hubby to pick up some accounting work. Well, it was going to be a quick trip. Then this happened.

A truck with a trailer pulled across the traffic lanes in front of us from the median. His view was blocked by a larger truck waiting in his left turn lane to cross the median and the opposite traffic lanes. As soon as Glenn saw the truck that hit our truck entering the lanes, he applied the brakes but it was too late. Thankfully no one was hurt.