Monday, July 16, 2012

Our Girl...

I had always wanted a dog for Garrett in his younger years but rememberances of my hubby and my past loved pets kept us from taking that step. Both hubs and I had pets that we adored.

Some time after moving into our home on Foxfire, we decided to add to our family. My neighbor, Becky Trimble, has always had dogs and/or cats. One pet was a pomeranian, and she was beautiful. Hubs and I really began thinking long and hard about this decision as we would see her pets every day at the fence. After deciding to add to our family, I asked Becky to go with me to see a litter of pomeranians.

The father of this litter was red in color with a black top coat down his spine and on the tail and ears. The mother was blonde all over. Their litter had a small little girl, black in color. I fell in love with this little snuggler. She was just the one for us; however, she would remain with her mother and father until 8 weeks of age.

Bringing her home to be a part of us was so exciting. We named her Ginger. We purchased a small crate for her to sleep in, took off the top and placed a small fleece covering in the crate for her to sleep on. The stuffed dog in the picture below was one that my niece Tammy had given to Garrett. The tag on the stuffed dog says, "This dog belongs to Sweetie". Yes, Ginger was "our Sweetie...our little girl".

8 weeks old

Little did we know when we named her Ginger that her coat coloring would turn a warm, ginger brown. She looked just like her father did when she was born. She was our "little fox".


3 1/2 months old

Over the years we have held, loved on, and kissed our precious little girl. She has been the most wonderful girl we could have ever chosen.

As we taught Ginger to understand what we needed her to know, she was amazing. She learned so many hand signs and verbal words/phrases. We were so proud of her. Here is she is sitting on her special cushion waiting to share with "daddy".

Here she is in our big back yard wandering around. She would chase squirrels and explore in her younger years. She loved to prance around the back yard...her domain.

This picture were taken of her on July 12th. She was not feeling well but she is still just as beautiful as ever.

It is breaking my heart at this moment to tell you that Ginger had to leave our family today due to her health. It was very hard on us but we know that we made the right decision.

We will miss our little girl.

written 7/15/12 @ 7:30 PM