Monday, October 27, 2008


Hear~Speak~See... I have come into my own self hearing others, speaking out for others, and seeing the good in others. BUT...I'm not much of a writer because I have a self-problem. I'm afraid of what I write. Yes, I even go so far as to peruse through my things periodically to erase any written material I have. Am I crazy?

So quess what? I 'm going to blog. I'm throwing my fears to the wind and sailing against my "safe life" current. Help!

Here's why and how I am doing this. First, a really good friend and I were talking today about my seeing her children on her friend's blog. We began to have a discussion about blogging and how I have been thoroughly blessed by several blogs. She suggested that I try it but I said NO-oooooooooooooooo! I confessed to her my fear of writing down something permanent and the actual fact that...people would SEE IT! Heavens to betsy! (If she only knew how terrified I was inside at that particular moment!...Now she knows.) Second, she made me realize that by blogging I would be facing my fears straight forward. (Even now I am so-o-o-o conscious of what I am typing.)

So to my friend W, I thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am soooooo proud of you! and better yet, for you! your blog will be awesome, it already is. i laughed and cried-just in that one piece! just wait, you will bless and be blessed! and what a wonderful blog name-see you were meant for this!