Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What helped to shape my personality...

Writing comes very hard to me. I analyze each and every word I write and when written, I continue to think of "what ifs...". I also like to have special music to compliment my written word or photos applied. So, the task of choosing music helps me to settle down (about my writing)...a little.

I have always loved music...especially the Motown Sound. Jazz and Blues are a favorite too. Heck fire...I love ALL KINDS of music. Anyway, I was listening on Playlist the other night and trying to find just the right song for a blog when I came across a "Playlist" that to me was so-o-o-o great. Some of the songs I hadn't heard in over 20 years. One song was by Carlos Santana.

This got me to thinking about the many bloggers that spend extra time to make their viewers feel "Welcome". I always enjoy the "Thoughtful Thursdays", "Fashion Fridays" and other ones. So that's why I created my "Tuesday Tunes". I want to celebrate my past with you through the music that helped shape my personality.

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