Monday, August 31, 2009

What do you do with over 2000 photographs?

Do you stash them in a drawer?
Are they crammed in a box?
Are they just staying in their package on a shelf?

My dad loves to look at his photographs and to reminisce of days long ago. He loves to share his many memories of each one as he pulls them out with anyone who will sit and visit. Family is very important to him, and he has made me realize over the years how important we are to each other in our family.

In recent posts I had mentioned my dad's health. During my visit in July when dad was having several doctor's appointments, my brother and I tackled a large task that my dad really enjoyed watching us labor over. We took one of his chest-of-drawers (full of photographs) and ended up with several stacks of like photographs from many past events.

Then we lovingly placed each one into a safe, protective album...six albums to be exact.

Dad is so proud to have his albums where he can flip through pages and pages of photographs.
We were so happy to see our end result and a smiling dad.

Are we through? You must be kidding!!!! Until the next visit..........................

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