Thursday, September 20, 2012


The Real Meaning of Peace...
There once was a king who asked artists to paint a picture of "Peace" for a prize. Many painted, and the king ended up choosing two that were his of a lake and one of mountains.
The lake painting mirrored its surroundings of tall mountains, blue skies, and white fluffy clouds. This artist had captured what some believed to be "Perfect Peace".
The mountain painting was rough and rugged looking showing a furious, rushing of water down its side creating a pit of foamed spew. Dark skies streaked with lightning surrounded these mountains, and this artist's rendition did not look anything like "Peace".
Looking closely at the mountain painting, the king noticed a very small bush growing in a crack beyond the waterfall. Nestled in the bush was a mother bird who had built her nest.
In the midst of the angry looking mountain painting sat this mother bird on her nest very quiet and in what appeared to be peace.
So who won the prize?
The artist who painted the mountain scene. Can you explain why?
"Peace" as explained by the king is not meant to be a place of no disturbance, trial, or hard work. "Peace" is a heart that is calm even among the aforementioned circumstances.
...summarized/author unknown