Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Their home is nearing completion with only a few more days left until it is finished.

We met Garrett & Hannah this afternoon over at their home to do a quick walk-thru with Mark, overseer of the home. Closing on the home is planned for the 28th with a last walk-thru before the signing. Mark was interested in seeing if there were some things that could be done this coming week to help expedite the closing for G/H and them.

First thing I noticed was that the yards had been sodded and plants/shrubbery planted...really looked nice.

We talked a little while before going into the home about the outside of the home. According to the  house plans, there was going to be a short wooden beam on the gables. This they would need to re-stain/treat every year. They opted out of this plan. (Yay!) I thought it would detract from her outside choice.

Plans for the first of the week are to include the installation of the fence, the front porch column, the back porch steps, the garage entrance steps, and the garage door to name a few.

Inside the house Hannah and Garrett were marking places with blue painter's tape for the crew to review. Questions were asked and answered. Overall, this time was well spent for them.

Another peek at the home.....