Tuesday, December 22, 2020

ROUND TWO: right eye cataract extraction

Monday's appt w/Sugg was good. Left eye healing as expected.
We left and traveled to Dothan Surgery Center.
Praying for this procedure to be 
just as smooth as was the left eye.

~ HOME ~

...relaxing in comfy clothes on the couch

All went well with the surgery.
When I was able to take the patch off my eye,
I experienced blurring & double vision...
which is common at times.
Although common, it is quite a play for the mind.

As we were preparing to eat that night, I placed
my glass on the counter & began to pour my drink.
With a laugh & a "Oh, darn!" I was pouring my drink
into the glass...which wasn't there...
into the "double vision" glass.
LOL...the mood changed.

This morning my vision was 
exactly where I wanted it to be.
My appointment with the doctor was good.
Both eyes were healing as expected.

By the first of next week I should be
with a vision of 20-20...and
not needing to wear glasses of any kind.