Sunday, January 15, 2012

     At the beginning of the 2011 calendar year I made a committment to read the Bible. I had always wanted to read the Bible through but never made it past Leviticus until....this past year. I completed the readings and was so excited to have read the whole Bible.
     The daily devotional Bible that I chose was Everyday With Jesus Bible with Selwyn Hughes as a contributor. As I was choosing I read where we "often gravitate to those passages that are familiar, and in doing so, miss out on a well-balanced plan of Bible reading". This Bible's reading plan was perfect for me. I read daily from the Old Testament, Psalms, Proverbs, and the New Testament. There was also a short Life Application with a prayer for the reader.
     As I read these scriptures as outlined in the reading plan, they read just like a letter. And why not, the Bible IS God's Love Letter to us.
     I have shared this Devotional Bible with a special friend who is reading it for 2012. As she reads, I asked her to make notes in the book if she chooses. (I wish I had jotted down notes this past year.) My plan is to read this Bible devotional book again in 2013.

     I have chosen to read Billy Graham's Unto the Hills devotional book this year.

     How about You? 

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