Sunday, April 14, 2013

When nervousness is alright...

I can sing with the best of them. 

Yep, this ol' gal will strut her cords to the beat that's playing. Put a little "shift moves" to the body and belt it out. Doesn't matter what long as my feet move and heart pulses. It's good!

My car even "sways" to the beat of the XM. And people who pass my car look at me like I'm crazy for "talking to the air".  I just smile, wave, or sing to them.

With girlfriends I (we) can ham it up. I remember this past February in "Peace Frogs" down @ PCB. Whoa!!!  That was some good 'groovin' music in that store. I def got my groove on to some Motown. Yep! 

Singing is something that my family has always done together around the piano, in the car with the radio, or just "cutting the fool".

Love to feel the music touch my spirit.

My spirit............soars tremendously when I listen or sing Christian music at home. I am alive. 

However, I am nervous when I sing in front of more than 20 people. Someone once told me that if I wasn't nervous, I'd  better watch out for Satan's tricks.

Tonight I sang at MBC. Up until the last congregational song, I was totally beside myself. I couldn't seem to clear my throat. It was dry. I needed to cough and cough. I was letting Satan play with my mind. So I said a little prayer...............

.......and guess what? God answered my prayer. He sent Ricky Stokes to me to ask a question about the track I was to sing. How cool is that? 

From that moment I knew that it was OK for me to be some nervous because God had my life in His hands. I couldn't help but God.