Tuesday, August 27, 2019

A special event
that happens every two years 
at our church is 
Tables of Love. 
The TOL Committee, Glenda Forrest, Jean Clark, Judy Wells & myself, begin in February with the planning as we meet with our pastor Bro Jim. For the next months until the event we depend upon each other to handle the tasks assigned to us by us. We have worked so well together.
L-R:  Becky Abraham (MBC past WM Director), Glenda, Jean, TOL Speaker Christen Price, Melanie & Judy)

Speaker Christen Price and our door prizes table
Guests & TOL singers...MBC Praise Team
servers & one of two desserts
prepared by our caterers Dianne & Danny Hooper

This year twenty-one hostesses (no table 15,16,17) beautifully decorated their tables and invited guests to sit at their table. Each hostess provided a small gift to their guests. Lisa Jones and I were co-hostesses.

...and our table. 

Tradition continues...
...and with the end of another event
we have decided to step down
and encourage younger women
to continue this wonderful event.

I am very grateful to have had 2 event planning times 
with these God given friends. They have taught me
so much as I worked alongside them.