Friday, October 16, 2020

 Today as I was catching up on some blogs, I read this post from Jennifer Rothschild..."When Exile Seems to Have No Expiration Date".

I was captured by how much her words resonated with me for a season of my life.

For me.....

"My brain knew what death was, but my heart was unaware
that it was such a tearing and an emptying.
Even after a few months, I felt like
I was walking through fog.
It just felt thick, and like life
was in slow motion.
The grounding that came
from my dad's presence in my life
was suddenly gone--and
I felt insecure and lost without him.

My season of grief felt like exile."


"...removed from the familiar, disenfranchised
from what made you feel secure, and
banished from the stability you once felt."


"...even in exile, God is giving you a hope and a future.
He has plans for your welfare, even when it doesn't feel
well or fair. His plan isn't for your calamity. God's plans
are to bless and prosper you, not to harm you."


" patient with yourself,
be patient with others, and
 most importantly, be patient with God."

Your exile does have an ending."

~~~Jennifer Rothschild~~~

Thank you Lord for your Warrior Writers.