Monday, February 8, 2021


Today…we received the first of two Covid vaccine shots. We both signed up online Saturday morning when it was announced on Friday, January 29th,  that the window for 65+ and older was opened. 

I left the house @ 11AM and soon approached the hospital for my “drive-thru” appointment.

Glenn’s appointment was 20 minutes after mine so he went on his truck as SE Health had asked persons not to show up early. We are to receive our second vaccine on March 1st.

When the first of several vaccines was presented in the news after just a few months of Covid, I was unsure if I would take the shot. It was happening all too fast... development & trials. How was it possible in such a short time?

 More months passed and in December 2020 the vaccines ready for distribution were Emergency Approved…and we watched the news. We read articles. Still, I had some questions.

 Then I left it at the chair of daily conversation with God. I poured my questions and concerns into His Word, and I prayed. God is always faithful to assure his children.


The drive-thru clinic was held in a lower parking lot section at Southeast Health. Lots of staff/volunteers were on hand who made the process of being vaccinated and the required 15 min wait time flow smooth & easy. 

This was my sweet vaccinator.

and I even got a "sticker" for being good.