Thursday, March 19, 2009

Help me because Spring is coming our way, and I am still "winter lazy"!!!

Every time new life erupts from the earth's floor a smile comes across my face. There's just something about the beauty that the earth unfolds. I know that we sometimes help out by planting seeds but what glorious finds we see when birds/insects help with their in-flight transport of flower pieces.

How can you not love this picture!

One of my azaleas as the blooms are beginning to fade and fall.

Camellias are so beautiful. I love to place them in my home.

What am I going to do? My yard really looks bad...I mean bad. I've done nothing to prepare for Spring. And...Spring Break begins tomorrow at 3 pm.

Sorry yard! I am flying to mom and dad's on Saturday for a few days of relaxation, eating whatever (yes, you WW girls...whatever I want), sleeping late, lying by the pool, eating (again), reading to my heart's content, eating (again) and working in the yards with my dad to include planting flowers, cleaning the pond area, cutting the fields as I sing with my ipod at the top of my lungs and breaking beaver dams. This is my idea of complete and total fun at my mom and dad's. Just laid back enjoyment and maybe some homemade popcorn at the end of the day. Yum!!!!! Yum!!!!!

Wish you could come with me!!!

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