Saturday, November 21, 2009


The Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyers has been popular with so many people for some time now. Most recently because of the New Moon release...her second book coming to life on the screen.

I never in all my life would have believed that I would have read her books. (The books were written about a relationship between a vampire and a human.) But because of a conversation among our Lunch Bunch at school, I decided to rely upon one's recommendation to read the first book. Such a well written book, for a first time author, that captured my attention so intensely that when finished with her first book, I couldn't wait to read the next one. I even called one from the Lunch Bunch at 8:30 one evening and said, "Are you finished with the second book? If so, bring it tomorrow!!!" I love reading books that make you sit on the edge of your seat. This series did just that.

November 20th...Friday night...our Lunch Bunch and a few other friends attended the showing of New Moon. We were so excited. Gina purchased tickets for us as soon as they went on sale...about three weeks prior to the movie. Now some of the other girls had attended the first book movie but I had only seen the DVD.

A decision...decisions...plans had to be made to make sure that we would get the best house seats. parked our cars in front of the theater, and we walked over to a local restaurant for food and drinks. Plans were made to leave around 6 pm to go get in line for the movie which would begin at 7 pm.

Two of us left the restaurant early and went on over to get in line. There were some people already in line waiting for the next showing. We took our place alongside of them and began our wait. As the others arrived, more people did the same. By the time the previous movie let out the group of waiting "Twi" fans had increased and the crowding began.

Now we are at the front of the line waiting eagerly to enter the theater movie room. The movie guys are cleaning up and it is taking extremely too long to clean up. Ha-ha-ha...Gina tried to slip a few dollars to the guys to get them to open up and let us in.

Here we go.............another plan taking place. "Ok, the five of us will sit in the back and you four sit in front of us. Now we want to sit in the middle. Just be ready!" Here we!!! We're off and heading down the aisle....turn right...."Hey Cathy! Where you going? Up here!" Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Clap, Clap, Clap.....) We're in our the middle...and loving it! (Cathy had headed down to the floor seats and in the middle.)

As we were waiting for the movie to begin, chatter was heard all over the theater from "EDWARD" to "JACOB", magazine pages were fluttering as fingers hurriedly ran over the pages, and the silent "BUZZ" of I can't wait was really heard through the minds of those truly engaged in the writings of Meyer.

Oooo's and ahhh's as the show began and as Edward and Jacob made their first appearance was heard all through the theater. The metamorphism of the wolves was phenomenal. Yes, I'm a JACOB fan. And as always an end with a cliffhanger. Of course, true Twi fans know the answer.