Friday, February 8, 2013

Glad to be HOME...but missing home.

Two weeks is a long time to be away from HOME & family. Even though I was at "home" with my mother, my HOME was far away.

Family Home

Mom was 85 the 27th of January, and I traveled home to spend some time with her.


The day after I arrived my sister, mother, and I had lunch at Keenagers. Mother was recognized for her January birthday. Lunch was so good, and a few games of Bingo was enjoyable.

Friday nights my sister & brother & their spouses get together with mother, and either go out to eat or eat at mom's with home-cooking or take-out. I prepared a meal for all of us the first Friday I was there of ham, crack potatoes, corn on the cob, peas, and yeast rolls. Chocolate layer cake was just perfect for our "sweet tooth".

Mother knows how organization drives me so she made some plans with me prior to my visit. Her upstairs "Christmas Room" needed organizing. She and I began by going through every box in the room. There were a few surprises of "Forgot that!", Wondered where that was!", and "What is That!!!". It was a lot of fun for me because this is what I really enjoy doing. YAY!!!

Now my mind was spinning away with......."Why stop at the Christmas Room?". So guess what? You're right...I continued straightening, cleaning, and organizing the whole upstairs. Items were given to family members and sent away to others or Habitat for Humanity. It took several mornings to complete this task but with a few stops to include a hair appointment, grocery visits, potty breaks and lunches, it was quickly over.  

My Bville Sundays at Shiloh United Methodist church are where I always enjoy visiting and worshiping with sweet, sweet people. My brother-in-law pastors Shiloh and another small country church, Smyrna.

Our travels took us.....
  • to Columbia, SC for a visit with cousins & their dad. Two aunts joined us for he day. The photo is a picture of us. Angela's birthday was this day. Cousin Jeannie provided a delicious lunch.

  • to Charleston, SC for a doctor's appointment for mother. Cousin Nancy & her daughter & daughter-in-law provided a nice lunch for us before we headed to the doctor's office. As we left Charleston, we headed...
  • to Bowman, SC for a visit with Cousin Patsy. As we traveled back to Bville, we decided 
  • to stop off in Florence, SC for a trip to Hammerick's & some dinner. The Friday night crowd was everywhere. A stop at Longhorns would be an hour wait and another stop at Lizard's Thicket would be approximately 20-30 minute wait. We were hungry to the point of "not being hungry". It was 8 pm. We ate at Hardee's, and I believe that was the best "Bacon Thickburger" I had eaten. 
  • It was after 9PM when we finally arrived in Bville very, very tired.
  • to Rockingham, NC with my sister for my "Gotta Go" trip to Ollie's.
From our talks to individual quietness or busyness to lounging every day was threaded onto my heart. I do enjoy going back home but I LOVE my HOME!

I can't believe
I left my camera
at HOME for
my trip home.
(Photos from personal gallery & TSM)