Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Helpmate Blessing.....

1974:  From the very beginning we were worlds apart...different in every way. He was the athlete & smart, and I was the party & average.

In our college groupings never did I consider the possibility of more than a friendship. Funny how you spend time with a group and you find yourself pairing up in conversation to someone you never dreamed would interest you.

Now at this time I was not a follower of Christ. So how was I to know that this guy was my future helpmate…chosen by God for me. I wasn’t walking with God and trusting His Will.

March 2013: A couple of weeks ago and all caught up with housework, I journeyed all the way back to 1974 where it all started with a college grouping and two very different individuals.

As I remember, our group was fun-loving and full of college spirit. There were about 12-15 of us. Most of the guys were basketball players or involved in some sport and us girls became friends at college. Together we ate meals in the cafeteria, went to basketball games, and partied whenever we could.

The two of us became good friends and eventually started spending extra time together. Our differences began to complement each other. I was falling…head over heels…in love. I was afraid to let him know. We were so different.

Finally, he graduated.  I would graduate the following year.

Devastated. No commitment. No more hope.

Some weeks pass and he visits my home. Is it a new beginning? Months later he and I commit to begin a journey. A journey that would deepen and strengthen a bond between us. A journey of love.

He is back in his hometown working, and I have one more year of college. We write to each other.

3.25.13:  I finished reading our letters a few days ago that we wrote to each other after we committed to see where a journey would take us. Letters filled with common language yet so full of newfound love. Letters that filled us with trust and faith in each other.

Today I am so grateful to the One True God for His willingness to die on the cross for my sins. I am so unworthy of His love, grace and mercy. I am honored to be His child.

I am blessed that He had, all my life, a path for me to follow. I am blessed that His path included my helpmate. I am blessed that He didn’t give up on me. I am blessed that He was there with open arms to receive my sinful self in 1981.

I am blessed and loved by God and His helpmate that He chose for me. I am blessed with great love for my Lord and Savior and my God Chosen Helpmate.

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