Saturday, March 2, 2013


displacedmoved or put out 
of the usual or proper place.

Totally feeling this way. As one who strives for correct placement, proper procedures, and overall structure, my life changed once again. However, I am more in check with my life's journey that God has for me than ever before.

"I choose joy...
I will refuse to see 
any problem as 
anything less than 
an opportunity 
to see God."
~~~Max Lucado

Our kitchen remains the same, our son's room remains the same, and for the most part our bedroom remains the same. The remaining larger rooms of the house are in chaos. Furniture is shoved into every available spot. The amazing part of this journey is.........I'm OK.

I'm blessed with this present journey as I can already see positive results that glorify God coming from this second (See April 4th- Strong Foundation) crisis; but, I'm still a STRONG ORGANIZER who is now somewhat disorganized to the MAX!!!

So therefore,.......displaced am I.