Saturday, January 25, 2014

Searching for my insides!

On Monday Gayle and I walked in the neighborhood for the first time in a long while. The temperature was a nice 50+ but the winds were blowing quite a bit. We didn't really realize how strong the winds were blowing until we got around the bend. We decided to continue on, and in some areas the winds were not that strong. 
After the walk I trimmed the "frozen" off of the plants in the front yard and then came in to settle down.

The next morning I awoke to a sore throat burning like crazy and a dry, hacking cough that won't go away. It is now Saturday morning, and I do feel a little better. I am still coughing quite a bit and with each cough my chest continues to ache. I've had no fever (YAY!) but I do experience some of the "chill~hot" episodes. {I am feeling the same way I did back in October...all symptoms the same...when the doctor said that I would just have to "ride it out'. Only difference...I had laryngitis.}