Sunday, April 19, 2020

His way, as we should all strive to follow, is His perfect for us. He loves us…no matter what. We may disappoint Him with our actions but He is always there to help us through our sin and give us direction and guidance to find our way back to Him.

Clothed in the Full Armor of God we make our way into any situation. Tired and weary as we may get sometimes, He is still ahead of us in any situation.

Conversation is ALWAYS needed. He loves to communicate with us…have that intimate relationship with us. He hears, listens & loves our words of prayer. What joy to receive when we talk with God!

We love control. We schedule. We run…here to there. Not wanting to…let go! But His timing is better than our timing.

In these days of coronavirus as we sit home, may we be reminded of the four things that God says to us each and every day if we just open our hearts and listen.
