Thursday, April 16, 2020

Last Spring we began to notice the weather was warmer than normal for our area. As the season continued on into Summer, it was blazing HOT! So HOT that it was unbearable most days to get out in the yard to work. A ten-minute stay turned me into a drenched-mess of sweat...and that was just walking around in the yard. Whew!!!

Needless to say, the backyard was left to its own nurturing. I did water the yards but for working the yards...nah! 

My plan was to get an early start on the yards this Spring 2020 as the weather offered (hopefully) some nice cool weather mornings. I would work mornings when I wasn't working with my volunteer organizations. I was ready to tackle the mess that Summer 2019 left for me...weeds-weeds-weeds!

Well, God has a plan for us, and sometimes we just do not understand His plan. Coronavirus swept the World, and eventually most areas implemented a "shelter-at-home, shelter-down" to help curb this sweeping virus. Businesses, medical offices, schools and more closed. Food, medicine, take-out food orders were our only outlets for moving about. We were being asked to wear masks for our protection as well as protection for others. Strange times.....

God has this!!! Life has changed. Having to remain at home has brought about challenges. Do we have enough food, toilet paper (you wouldn't believe the RUSH for tp we had), gas? Check your enough?   Take-out food.....should we? We are cooking more and doing it together. Life changes.

I am more intentional with the relationship I have with God. His presence in His earth's beauty touches my heart more than ever. His presence to let me know that He is in control.

Thinking about everyday life as it is now, should have everyone focusing more The bringing back of meals at the family table, family conversations, family togetherness. Yes, it could be difficult because we have become to attached to our phones, computers, Facebook, twitter, Instagram, televisions, video name it. Make a difference in your family and your life...put these or at least some of these on the backburner and make your way back to FAMILY.

Today I took a morning stroll in our yards and thanked God for the strength and mobility to tend to His earth over these last few weeks. Most importantly, I thanked Him for His protection and provision. 
