Sunday, May 17, 2020

As I look back over this past week with the re-opening of businesses and seeing/reading of how people were re-entering life through their work, community, I stand with one foot elevated, ready to step forward & then settle my foot back down.

I am just not ready to dine-out, leisurely shop or socialize. 

I understand what you might be thinking, but understand me. This is my decision…my choice, and I hope I receive your respect out of love.

Yes, I have been to make essential purchases for survival. I have even had essential dental work. These trips are a go, get & return trip…masked and gloved. I am still on a half-tank gas from March 7th.

As we each make our way, remember that things may NEVER go back to the normal we knew. Live your “new” normal with more gratitude & respect for others.